"His knowledge is staggering and he shares it freely."

—Fred Knipp, President, Warwick Telephone

"I saw someone fall off their chair he made us laugh so hard."

—Leonard Baenen, Vice President, Institute for Human Potential

"Somehow or other, Cliff took us from confusion to clarity."

—Bruce Tsuji, Director, New Business Development, Mitel

About us

about us

a message to our friends, past and new

cliff annemarie

Not so long ago, we were known as The Saunders Consulting Group, a software development company dedicated to helping organizations with a complete suite of innovative tools and techniques that gained an enviable reputation around the planet for being ‘best in their class’.

Seven years into the process of going global, we came to the realization that we had had to set aside those things that we loved best to do, innovating and helping people, in order to manage a growing company.

We sold off the company and went back to working one on one with our client organizations, designing new products, evolving our problem solving and scenario planning techniques, improving our client’s bottom line results, and passing on this learning to their staff through speaking and teaching engagements.

We are there. And we are thoroughly enjoying it.

In fact, we have taken the show on the road, as they say, and expanded our horizons from North America to Europe, Asia, the whole planet (and perhaps beyond someday … :)

Our focus will always be primarily on creating solutions to help people everywhere function better. These solutions will take many forms. Some are being conceptualized now while others are already in the development stage. Watch for new announcements - - some of them will definitely surprise you.

One thing is for certain - - we will continue to not take ourselves too seriously. Life is already too serious for most of us. We are in this business for the pure joy of passing on to others what has been passed on to us. And having a great time doing it.

Expect great things from us in the months and years to come.

We are thrilled to have put this site together for everyone who wishes to come along for the ride and learn from our discoveries. And have fun in the process.

We intend to put our heart and soul into evolving it so that you may help yourself to whatever bit of wisdom that catches your eye while visiting with us. And we hope to provide a forum for you to find it easy and comfortable to pass your own bits of wisdom on to others.

Start with the essay in the Dr's Corner maybe, and email us your comments. Check out our recommended reading and give us your current favorite titles. Send us your essays to publish.

In time, we will establish useful links, add plenty of audio and visual tools and toys, set up discussion groups, invite you to participate in our games online, enhance the animation for your entertainment, and invent a whole slew of fun things to do

Enjoy your visit with us and come back often.