Too Serious!Limited is a service company that offers:
- Facilitation
- Speaking
- Teaching
to industry leaders around the globe.
Through our expertise in engineering, psychology and cybernetics, we focus our attention on tools and techniques to deal with:
- Chaos and complexity
- Scenario planning
- New products to market
- The organizational "mess"
- Cost reduction/avoidance
- The Internet from a man-machine perspective
- E-commerce boot camps
why "Too Serious"?
Most people take business VERY SERIOUSLY. Jobs can hang in the balance. Money, power, prestige too. Little things like that. Definitely no laughing matter.
It is not fun when things go wrong in business. When they do, laughter smacks of irresponsibility or denial.
Humour, when used appropriately, is a tool that promotes sanity, especially in the darkest of moments.
Success in business does not preclude humour. On the contrary, humour and fun create a fertile environment within which creativity, problem solving and getting out of the proverbial box can thrive.
We all have a sense of humour. Sadly, at the time when we need to use it most, we tend to try harder instead, and we let ourselves get ground down by the cataract of minutiae of our daily lives.
Not only is a lighthearted approach infinitely more effective for handling life's challenges than digging one's heels in, it makes us feel much better.
And we all want to go through life having a much better and easier time of achieving our goals.
This site is about how to do that.
In our business as well as in our personal lives.
How does that apply to you in practice?
We trust the information we have laid out in these pages will provide answers to all your questions. For more detailed information, please be sure and contact us.